Humpback whale head
The opening of each whale watching season commences with the Hervey Bay Whale Festival, and this years event is scheduled for the 5th-13th August 2006.
On Saturday 5th August, there will be a Blessing Of The Fleet at the Hervey Bay Marina and it will be conducted by representatives of the churches in Hervey Bay. The ever popular fireworks display will be held at the harbour in the evening.
Another highlight of the festival will be the floats that form part of the Electric Light Parade which travels along the esplanade to the Seafront Oval on Saturday 12th August.
Humpback performing for the tourists
First time whale watchers are usually gob smacked by the sight of these mammals as they inquisitively approach the fleet of boats that operate out of the Hervey Bay Marina.
Cries of "whooaaa" "ooohhh" "did you see that?" "they're awesome," are frequent amongst first time whale watchers as the whales go about their frolicking in very close proximity to the boats.
Spirit Of Hervey Bay
One of the most popular whale watch vessels is the Spirit Of Hervey Bay, which offers an eye-ball to eye-ball experience. The vessel has two underwater viewing rooms, each being equipped with four viewing windows.
Spirit Of Hervey Bay provides excellent viewing platforms and seating along with a galley supplying light refreshments and snacks.
Great Sandy Straits Resort
For accommodation, the Great Sandy Straits Resort is ideally located adjacent to the harbour. Facilities include; family swimming pool, 25 metre lap pool, bicycle hire, 2 full-sized tennis courts, games room, sauna and childrens playground.
Whale Watching
Spirit Of Hervey Bay - www.spiritofherveybay.com
Great Sandy Straits Resort - www.greatsandystraits.com.au
Meals and Entertainment
Hervey Bay Boat Club - www.boatclub.com.au
Hervey Bay RSL Club - www.herveybayrsl.com.au
Virgin - www.virginblue.com.au
Car Hire
Europcar - www.europcar.com.au
Thrifty - www.thrifty.com.au
Budget - www.budget.com.au
Allow yourself to be gob smacked and visit Hervey Bay for a 'HUGE' experience.