2009 Picture Australia 'Outstanding Contributor' award winner for April 2009Chosen by Peter Cobcroft, Picture Australia, as the 'Outstanding Contributor' for April 2009. Second time winner of this award.
Picture Australia News:http://www.pictureaustralia.org/news/index.htmlPicture Australia April Flickr Report 2009:http://www.pictureaustralia.org/documents/FlickrMay09.pdf2009 Australian Traveller magazine April/May issueBeechworth photograph published in Australian Traveller magazine by Editor, Greg Barton, for the 100 Best Towns In Australia feature story.

2009 RedBubble Daily Wrap Edition 194RedBubble Daily Wrap Edition 194Published article:
Inspiration – what is it?2009 RedBubble Community Ambassador15/1/2009 – Appointed as a RedBubble Community Ambassador in recognition for community service and contributions to RedBubble.
The road to my RedBubble Red Dot 2009 RedBubble Daily Wrap Edition 187
RedBubble Daily Wrap Edition 187Published article:
The bare essentials of Australian travel photography according to Anne O’Connor
2009 Picture Australia ‘Outstanding Contributor’ award winner for December 2008Chosen by Ian Smith, Picture Australia Administrator, National Library of Australia, as the Picture Australia ‘Outstanding Contributor’ award winner for December 2008.
Picture Australia – News My association with Picture Australia is via my
Flickr photographic submissions to the
Picture Australia: Ourtown group, and the
Picture Australia: People, places and events group.
2009 RedBubble Daily Wrap Edition 186
RedBubble Daily Wrap Edition 186
Published article:
Digital camera sensor cleaning and those rascally rabbits 2008 Australian Travel Photography and Writing groupFounder of the
Australian Travel Photography and Writing group at RedBubble. Group launch 28/12/08.
Australian Travel Photography and Writing 2008 RedBubble Daily Wrap Edition 185RedBubble’s success in Grenfell Australia article published by RedBubble on December 27, 2008 for the RedBubble Daily Wrap. RedBubble administration requested a contribution for their 2008 Community Year Book.
RedBubble Daily Wrap Edition 185RedBubble Daily Wrap Edition 185 – PDFRedBubble’s success in Grenfell AustraliaRedBubble’s success in Grenfell Australia – PDF2008 Australian Photographers Alliance fund raising initiative for charityFounder of the Australian Photographers Alliance - March 2008.
Photography contributor to the Australian Photographers Alliance 2009 Drought Relief Calendar.
Responsible for the Australian Photographers Alliance’s administration, co-ordination, funds management, promotional copywriting, publicity, marketing, video production, and raising funds for Australian charity Aussie Helpers.
Details can be found
2008 Brisbane Seniors, Sunshine Coast Seniors and Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors newspapersCommissioned to photograph pensioner activist, Shirley Grant of Glenroy VIC, for the front page of the
Brisbane Seniors,
Sunshine Coast Seniors and
Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors newspapers.
Link to photograph of Shirley Grant 2008 Sept/Oct issue Camera magazinePhotograph of the former Bank of Victoria at Beechworth, Victoria, Australia published in the Sept/Oct '08 issue of Australian
Camera magazine.

2008 Australian Photographic Society 33rd National ExhibitionDog Rocks was awarded a Certificate of Merit in the Open Electronic section of the 33rd APS National Exhibition of Photography 2008.
2008 Australian Digital Photography AwardsDog Rocks was awarded a Highly Commended in the Open Section of the 2008 Australian Digital Photography Awards.
Link to certificate.
2008 Australian Digital Awards Catalogue – PDF2008 Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival of Arts Bronze Statuette WinnerAwarded the bronze statuette for 'Best Photograph of the Exhibition' at the 2008 Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival of Arts photography competition for
Dog Rocks.
Winner of the Open Colour Section at the 2008 Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival of Arts photography competition for
Dog Rocks.
Photography statuette to Victoria – PDF2008 Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival of Arts Photography Results – PDF
Darren Stones holding the Bronze Statuette

Dog Rocks
2008 Melbourne Museum - The Melbourne Story
The Melbourne Museum, in conjunction with ENESS, have sought and been granted a 10 year license to exhibit my 'Melbourne' photograph. The image will be displayed as part of the permanent interactive display
The Melbourne Story in the Australia Gallery at the Melbourne Museum commencing March 20, 2008. The image may also appear in other associated forms such as website usage, education kits, marketing, publicity and catalogues.
2007 Australian Digital POTD - Members ChoiceMy photograph titled
'Dog Rocks' was voted by my peers as the Momento Members choice for October 2007. Winning announcement can be found
here in the forum at Australian Digital POTD.
2007 RedBubble - Trees Group awardMy photograph titled
'Dog Rocks' was voted by my RedBubble Trees group peers as the avatar to represent the group. There were approximately 270 images entered into the competition.
Photo Of the Day AwardsI have been awarded numerous Australian Digital Photo Of The Day awards. Those images can be viewed online at;
Australian Digital Photo Of The Day.
2007 Australian Digital Photography Awards
The inaugural Australian Digital Photography Awards were conducted in 2007 by the Australian Photographic Society. I was successful in having three photographs accepted for exhibition.
Beaumaris - Open section
Twelve Apostles - Open section
Scrap - Altered Reality section 2007 June/July - Australian Traveller magazineBreaching humpback whale photograph published in
Australian Traveller magazine.
48 Hours In Hervey Bay - PDF2006 July The AgePublished online in
The Age - July 2006
Link > Protest against Southbank's no photography rule
2002 Kit Goninon Memorial AwardAustralian Photographic Society Print Division
Award: Merit Certificate -
Kerferd Road Pier2001 Whittlesea Agricultural Show
Award: Reserve Champion –
Kerferd Road PierAward: Highly Commended –
Pier Lights2000 Royal Melbourne ShowAward: Acceptance -
The Message